Spiritual acts of worship are called the Pillars of Faith (Imaan); and there are six Pillars of Faith. They are as follows:
Belief in Allah entails belief in His existence, that He is the only One Who deserves to be worshipped, and that He has no partners, equals or rivals in His Lordship (Ruboobiyah)(1), the worship due to Him alone (Uloohiyah) (2), or His beautiful Names and Attributes(3). He is the Creator of this existence, its Sovereign and the One who disposes of all its affairs. Only that which He wishes comes to pass and He is the only One who deserves to be worshipped.
Allah says: Say, ‘He is Allah, [who is] One. Allah, As-Samad [the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need]. He neither begets nor is born. Nor is there to Him any equal.
This is to believe that the angels exist. No one knows their exact number except Him (Allah). He created them to worship Him.
Allah says: Never would the Messiah disdain to be a slave of Allah, nor would the angels near [to Allah].
The angels do not share any of Allah’s specific qualities, nor are they His children. Rather, Allah created them to perform certain tasks.
The angels do not share any of Allah’s specific qualities, nor are they His children. Rather, Allah created them to perform certain tasks.
It is to believe that Allah revealed Divine Books to His Messengers in order for them to be conveyed to humankind. These Books contained nothing but the truth at the time of revelation. All these Books called people to the Oneness of Allah, and that He is the Creator, Sovereign and Owner, and to Him belong the beautiful Names and Attributes. Some of these Books are as follows:
The Suhuf: (Scriptures of Abraham): The Suhuf are the Sacred Scriptures which were revealed to the Prophet Abraham.
The Tawraah: (Torah): The Torah is the Sacred Book which was realedev to the Prophet Moses.
The Zaboor: (Psalms): The Zaboor is the Sacred Book which was revealed to the Prophet David.
The Injeel: (Gospel): The Injeel is the Sacred Book which was revealed to the Prophet Jesus.
Indžil (Evanđelje); Indžil je sveta knjiga koja se objavila Poslaniku Isau (Isusu), a.s.
It is to believe that Allah chose the finest among mankind to be Messengers whom He sent to His creation with specific legislations, to worship and obey Him, and to establish His religion and His Tawheed (Oneness). Allah ordered His Messengers to convey the Message to the people, so that they would not have any proof against Him after He sent them.
Allah says: And We sent not before you, [O Muhammad] except men to whom We revealed [the message] so ask the people of the message former scriptures if you do not know.
The first Messenger was Noah and the last was Muhammad .
It is to believe that the life of this world will come to an end. Allah says: Everyone upon the earth will perish. And there will remain the Face of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor
Following this, Allah will resurrect all creation, take them to account and reward those who did well, due to their righteous deeds, belief (in Allah) and adherence to their Prophets and Messengers with an everlasting life in Jannah (The Heavenly Gardens).
He will punish those who disbelieved and were disobedient to their messengers with an everlasting life in Hell.
It is to believe that Allah knew everything before it came into being, and what will happen to it afterward. He then brought them into existence, all in accordance with His Knowledge and Measure. Allah says: ...and [He] has created each thing and determined it with precise determination
Belief in Qadhaa and Qadar results in a clear conscience and peace of mind. No room is left for one to feel sad about what happened or did not come to pass.
It encourages knowledge and exploration of what Allah created in this universe. Afflictions, such as diseases drive humans to seek a cure; this is done by searching for the sources of medicine which Allah, the Most High, created in this universe
It increases one’s dependence upon Allah and removes fear of the creation. Ibn ‘Abbaas said, “I was behind the Messenger of Allah one day and he
said to me: ‘O young boy, I will teach you some words: Guard Allah’s commandments and He will guard you. Guard Allah’s commandments, you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, then ask Allah, and if you seek help, then seek help from Allah and know that if the whole world was to gather to help you, they would never be able to help you except with something which Allah has already decreed for you. And if the whole world gathered to cause you some harm, they would not be able to harm you except with something which Allah has already decreed for you. The pens have been lifted, and the scrolls have dried.’ (Tirmidhi)